3rd event evening of "Labour and Democracy"


3. Veranstaltungsabend Arbeit und Demokratie Manfred

Trade unions as organisations for political democracy and decision-making

On 21 May, Prof. Dr Hans-Jürgen Urban (Executive Board Member of IG Metall and Honorary Professor at the University of Jena) joined us digitally via live link from Frankfurt am Main at the O-Werk. In the context of the socio-ecological transformation, he examined the role of trade unions in their function as organisations of political democracy and decision-making as well as the consequences for their labour and democracy policy. The evening with over 100 participants (both in presence and online) was moderated by Prof. Dr Manfred Wannöffel (Managing Director of the Centre of cooperation RUB/IGM).

3. Veranstaltungsabend Arbeit und Demokratie Manfred

Trade unions as organisations for political democracy and decision-making

On 21 May, Prof. Dr Hans-Jürgen Urban (Executive Board Member of IG Metall and Honorary Professor at the University of Jena) joined us digitally via live link from Frankfurt am Main at the O-Werk. In the context of the socio-ecological transformation, he examined the role of trade unions in their function as organisations of political democracy and decision-making as well as the consequences for their labour and democracy policy. The evening with over 100 participants (both in presence and online) was moderated by Prof. Dr Manfred Wannöffel (Managing Director of the Centre of cooperation RUB/IGM).

3. Veranstaltungsabend Arbeit und Demokratie Publikum

Prof Dr Urban introduced his lecture with the term "polycrisis", which describes the current phase of upheaval in which the global order finds itself. The core of the crisis is that the model of fossilised welfare state capitalism appears to have come to an end. In this context, trade union interest policy must prove itself by fulfilling its central task of representing the comprehensive working and living interests of dependent workers in this development and at the same time making a contribution to the stabilisation and further development of the welfare state and democracy. In addition to new sustainable strategies for regional structural policy and a new quality of transformation alliances, this requires in particular a focus on the promotion of co-determination in companies in order to counteract the threat to democracy as a result of transformation trends.

We are delighted to welcome Prof. Dr Maximiliane Wilkesmann (Heisenberg Professorship "Sociology of Work and Organisation" at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the TU), Michaela Evans-Borchers (Director of Work & Change at the Institute of Work and Technology at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Gelsenkirchen) and Dr Peter Ittermann (Coordinator of the Industrial and Labour Research Unit at the Social Research Centre Dortmund) to O-Werk for our fourth event evening next Tuesday, 28 May.

The colleagues from Dortmund/Gelsenkirchen will speak about the multifactorial transformation trends in gainful employment, which are accompanied by particular challenges for co-determination and social participation.The speakers will focus in particular on current developments in low-skilled work, securing skilled labour and the flexibilisation of gainful employment.You can find the registration form at: