Dr. Claudia Niewerth from the Centre of Cooperation RUB/IGM talks about fair remuneration systems
In an article published by the Ruhr University Bochum, social scientist Dr. Claudia Niewerth from the Centre of Cooperation RUB/IGM lists ten characteristics that modern remuneration systems should fulfil in order to make payment fairer. She has been researching the topic for several years and can draw on the experience of numerous interactions with employees, works councils and representatives of employers' associations. You can read the whole article here.
Dr. Claudia Niewerth from the Centre of Cooperation RUB/IGM talks about fair remuneration systems
In an article published by the Ruhr University Bochum, social scientist Dr. Claudia Niewerth from the Centre of Cooperation RUB/IGM lists ten characteristics that modern remuneration systems should fulfil in order to make payment fairer. She has been researching the topic for several years and can draw on the experience of numerous interactions with employees, works councils and representatives of employers' associations. You can read the whole article here.