WorkLab Ch@ngeRuhr


Lern- und Forschungsfabrik

The Ch@ngeRuhr project of the Ruhr Conference and the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social supports SMEs in shaping the digital transformation. For this purpose, the Centre of Cooperation RUB/IGM, together with the Chair of Production Systems (LPS) at the RUB, has developed a qualification offer in the form of WorkLabs, in which company stakeholders and co-determination bodies can get to know different technologies. In addition, the WorkLabs offer space for exchange and discussion about the effects on employees and the company.

Lern- und Forschungsfabrik

The Ch@ngeRuhr project of the Ruhr Conference and the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social supports SMEs in shaping the digital transformation. For this purpose, the Centre of Cooperation RUB/IGM, together with the Chair of Production Systems (LPS) at the RUB, has developed a qualification offer in the form of WorkLabs, in which company stakeholders and co-determination bodies can get to know different technologies. In addition, the WorkLabs offer space for exchange and discussion about the effects on employees and the company.

© Lehrstuhl für Produktionssysteme, Rub

At the heart of the WorkLab is the LPS learning and research factory, where human-robot collaborations can be tried out and learned about in a production-related environment. The offer is free of charge for participants. However, please register by sending an email to so that we can plan the supply of participants. The WorkLab is planned for 23 June from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Industriestraße 38c (Learning and Research Factory of the LPS). More information can be found in the attached flyer.


Click here to read the flyer