Publication in DENK-doch-MAL


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Joint contribution to transfer research by Prof. Dr Wannöffel (Centre of Cooperation RUB/IGM) and Dr Manuela Maschke (Hans-Böckler-Foundation)

With the joint contribution on transfer research "Transfer research - a methodological concept for the transdisciplinary dialogue between science and trade unions", Prof. Dr. Wannöffel (Centre of Cooperation RUB/IGM) and Dr. Manuela Maschke (Hans-Böckler-Foundation) participated in the current issue "Science and Trade Unions" (02-21) of the online magazine DENK-doch-MAL.


2021-09-30 Denkdochmal Maschke Wannöffel.jpg

Joint contribution to transfer research by Prof. Dr Wannöffel (Centre of Cooperation RUB/IGM) and Dr Manuela Maschke (Hans-Böckler-Foundation)

With the joint contribution on transfer research "Transfer research - a methodological concept for the transdisciplinary dialogue between science and trade unions", Prof. Dr. Wannöffel (Centre of Cooperation RUB/IGM) and Dr. Manuela Maschke (Hans-Böckler-Foundation) participated in the current issue "Science and Trade Unions" (02-21) of the online magazine DENK-doch-MAL.


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